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This is a custom Hall version of the classic card game Happy Families.
This detailed and utterly delightful pack of cards is illustrated with a hilarious range of domestic disasters, family triumphs and the kind of borderline-sane family life that we all know and love. The characters include a pungently fragranced and compulsively untidy "Master Hall the teenager" and we also get to see "Master Hall the Toddler" vigourously pursuing his percussion ambitions via the medium of Mum's best kitchen pans. Amongst the female characters, there's "Mrs. Hall at the Wedding" whose elaborate hat proves to be a winner with the pigeons and "Miss Hall on the long car journey" who is happily passing the time by repeatedly asking everyone "if we're there yet". It's the Happy Family life that every Hall family knows so well !!
This fab pack of Happy Families cards doesn't stop at great new illustrations. The cards are also adorned with interesting bits of info about the surname Hall. Did you know for example that the first people to be called Hall who lived or worked in very large houses (or Halls) ? It's a very old name that goes back to the 12th century and one of the earliest known Halls was a certain "Robert de la Hall" who was recorded in England in 1199.
Coming right up to date, the cards also contains nuggets of fun like the fact that 'Bad Hall' isn't (as you may first think) the black sheep of the Hall family. In fact it's a town in Austria. Plus did you know that Halls get everywhere ? There's even one on the moon (it's the name of a lunar crater).
There's lots more intrigue and entertainment in this unique pack of fun that's a must have game for anyone named Hall !!
Here's a fun little animation that shows you the cards:
Finally, accompanying the game is a sheet of folded gift wrap. The gift wrap has the word 'Hall' all over it. So if you plan to give the game to someone named Hall, you can use the free wrap to package your gift in a way that appealing, attractive and wonderfully appropriate!
The box contains everything you need to play the game. Age Recommendation: For ages 4 or 5 and up. Number of Players: 3 or more. The game is a little smaller than two decks of standard cards. More precisely, the box size is 118mm x 90mm x 16 mm. Box Weight: Approximately 136 grams. Contents: The box contains 72 cards (including cards for playing, cards with instructions and others).
£8.99 £9.99
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